The Foo Family is delighted to be supporting Given to Live for the next 12 months. 

The Foo Family is the largest online group of Foo Fighter fans in the world numbering almost 18,000 members on Facebook and 

We have an international fan base that have generously supported many causes and individuals in the past and welcome the opportunity to continue this through our relationship with Given To Live.

The Foo Family ( was conceived in November 2010 when Kelly Gaffney and a group of her friends were preparing to see the band at Milton Keynes Bowl in the summer of 2011. She set up a group on Facebook for them all to make their plans and called it ‘I’m going to see the Foo Fighters at Milton Keynes Bowl.’ Perhaps short sightedly, she left the group open to all comers and pretty soon people from all over the world had joined and there were dozens of members. By the time of the gig some pretty strong online friendships had been made and some made plans to meet up and experience the day together. Needless to say a great time was had by all and now these online friendships were solidified in ‘real life’.

Once the gig was over the Facebook group continued to swell in numbers. Four years later there are nearly 18,000 of us. Through sharing our love of the band, it’s music and things personal to us we became a virtual family. Every year we hold at least one large meet up. Members from all over the world gather for an entire weekend of Foo and fun. Our oldest friendships grow stronger and newer members come to experience it for the first time. We also meet up in smaller more local groups to experience live music and celebrate birthdays together pretty much every month. 

 So, The Foo Family is just another online fan club right? Wrong. We raised enough funds to send one of our members to America to see Foo Fighters in New York as she has terminal cancer, raised money to help send one member to the Philippines to work with street children and donated money through the sale of our own charity calendars and merchandise to one members son who needs a lot of physical therapy. There isn’t a month that goes by when one of us is running a marathon, climbing a mountain or jumping out of a plane. As a group we generously support these efforts. 

The groups founder and a dedicated team of volunteers are the driving force behind the first proposed crowd funded Foo Fighters gig in the uk. Selling £150,000 of tickets in six days and campaigning for better legislation of the uk secondary ticket market we are hoping to make a lasting impact on the world of live music.

When we were introduced to Given To Live by Tom it was in order to support his effort to get a deserving fan to see Foo Fighters. Obviously this is something that we feel very passionately about and we wanted to help and be involved. After the success of that project a lot of us felt that we didn’t want our relationship with GTL to end. The Foo Family completely understands the importance the music you love plays in your life, how it can bring so much joy and healing. Everyone deserves to experience the feeling you get when you are watching your favourite performers live.

We at hope that our continued support of GTL will enrich the lives of the people they help and I know it will enrich the lives of all of us in the Foo Family.